Mercia Marina is a "Wildlife wonderland which is bursting with bio-diversity" -David Bellamy
Popular wildlife at the marina
OttersButterfliesDragon & DamselBirdsA key objective has always been "to maximise the wildlife value and habitat diversity through targeted management [and a] commitment to establishing and improving habitats in non-operational areas that will encourage wildlife and enhance the local area."
(The Wildlife Management Plan)
We hope you will feel inspired to submit your own images of local wildlife and get creative with pictures of the marina or events going on.
You'll be amazed at the how much there is to see and find at Mercia Marina, from wild parakeets, buzzards to wonderful butterflies and giant dragon flies. Have a look at our wildlife library for lots of facts and information.
WILDLIFE LIBRARYWILDLIFE WEBSITEAll wildlife photographs on the site have been taken on the Marina by various members of the community. We would be delighted to receive photographs to add (with information on exactly when and where and by whom the shot was taken).